
Charlotte Property Management Blog

What’s Left?

Sherkica Miller-McIntyre - Sunday, November 1, 2015

Headline: “Processed Meat Causes Cancer!” What’s left? Over-fishing has forced restrictions on some seafood, where you either can’t eat them or you can’t afford them because the supply and demand aspect has driven prices through the roof. Poultry…salmonella. Beef…mad cow and red meat dangers. Really…what’s left? Calm down. There are a few things you can substitute for meat before jumping on the vegan/vegetarian band wagon. Not many, but a few. Seriously, these latest realizations may force some of us to explore healthier eating habits but if we knew a little more about meat substitutes we may soon choose them instead of settling for them.

You may be thinking, healthy? Not all vegans and vegetarians are “in shape.” True. Anything can be abused. If you eat enough iceberg lettuce—practically zero nutritional value, but still not a French fry—you’re gonna still pack on some pounds. With just the smallest amount of research, an afternoon on the internet or a conversation with a doctor/dietician, you’d be surprised at how many things you can incorporate into your diet to either give you the feel of meet or just the protein.

Protein/Meat Alternatives

  • Beans: 7.5g of protein per ½ cup, on average
  • Lentils: 9g per ½ cup (cooked)
  • Quinoa: 4 g per ½ cup (cooked)
  • Seitan (wheat meat): 20g per ½ cup
  • Tempeh (fermented soybeans): 11g per ½ cup (cooked)
  • Tofu (soybean curds): 7g per ½ cup

Start slow. Meatless Mondays is a concept that swept across the U.S. and is a great place to start. There can be something harmful found in just about anything, if you look hard enough. Except chocolate. Chocolate is perfect! So…you can either not look or just work around the inevitable. Explore your options and have a backup. You might just like it!