
Charlotte Property Management Blog

Holiday Giving

Sherkica Miller-McIntyre - Sunday, December 27, 2015

Now that you’ve prayerfully had a joyful, prosperous holiday season, don’t put away your holiday spirit just yet. Now is the perfect time to give until it hurts! What do we mean? In a previous article we discussed that by giving to shelters and others in need you can teach your family and those around you what the Christmas season is really all about. Hopefully, you were able to do something to let someone who would have nothing feel special during the holidays. If you were unable to, there’s still time.

What’s changed from before Christmas to now? You’ve got more stuff. It’s true, right? No judgment. It’s a blessed thing to be able to bless the ones you love and even yourself with tokens of love and appreciation. But, admit it, you received a second or even a third of at least one item. Your child can’t even take all of their new toys into their room because…there’s no room! Much of their stuff is still under the tree, while you devise a plan.

The most likely plan that you’ve arrived at is to use the rest of your Christmas vacation to purge and fill those garbage cans with old, broken, and unused items to make room for the new. WAIT!!! You may think these toys have scratches and maybe a piece or two missing. This blender is years old. These clothes are from two seasons ago. No one wants my old crap! My dear friend, you could not be further from the truth.

In that previously mentioned article, we advised that your “crap” is the only thing that some will get or can afford to give their, family, and themselves. That new job that came through requires new clothes that we can’t afford. A birthday is coming up, and we won’t be able to manage gifts for our son. We lost everything in a fire, and no insurance. How will replace EVERYTHING. Those are just a few prayers and requests that can be answered by continuing to give.

There’s so much truth behind, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” We’re not saying to donate unusable, completely destroyed garbage. Please, just throw it away. But, if there’s the slightest chance that what you have marked for trash can be a treasure to another, pay it forward. Again, Happy Holidays, from Carod Properties!