
Charlotte Property Management Blog

Are You Ready For Some Footballlllllll?!!

Sherkica Miller-McIntyre - Sunday, January 31, 2016

It’s time for Super Bowl 50 (L). The teams have been chosen (#KeepPounding) and unless you were fortunate enough to procure the tickets of the year, you will more than likely take in the game at home, a bar, or…A SUPER BOWL PARTY! But, hey, you’re cool. Besides that, you have the essentials: friends, a TV, and you’re no stranger to chicken wings. Why not throw your own party?

Well, if you’ve never done it before, it’s not rocket science! Don’t be intimidated because this is the party of the year and everyone will talk about it, good or bad! You can draw on the parties that you’ve been to, and fix what they did wrong, and Bob’s your uncle, it’s a party! Just in case that’s not enough information, try these 7 steps to a killer Super Bowl Party:

  1. Invite a good crowd. You can do invitations, but the most important thing is that you get the word out that there’s a PARTY OVA HEREEEE!! Clean. You may say, “My house is always clean.” #Nojudgement. However, there’s a general clean, and then there’s a “preacher’s coming over and he’s bringing your mother-in-law” clean. Do the latter.
  2. Set the stage. Set out your chairs with a good vantage point to the TV; consider decorating; if there will be fans rooting for both sides, you can decorate as such; have a designated food area with grab-n-go snacks scattered amongst the seating; and consider those that come for the atmosphere and not the game, and set aside some quiet seating for them to enjoy the “party”.
  3. Shop for viddles! Think about premade/prepackaged and make ahead items to go along with a few homemade showstoppers (http://lollyjane.com/best-super-bowl-appetizers/). This is especially important if you have a family. Because if you do, you will most likely be doing the cleaning and setting up in the period leading up to kick-off and you won’t want to be in the kitchen. Think variety, and quantity that will match the expected guests.
  4. Make your guests welcome. Designate someone, if you’re still busy prepping, to welcome guests, take coats, and point out essentials: bathroom, drinks and food.
  5. Make the most of halftime. Spark up conversations about the game. Also, now’s a good time to make sure your guests are comfortable and their needs are met. Very important, is to make sure everything is clean and stocked. (You don’t want to find out that you ran out of toilet paper, before halftime, after everyone’s gone.)
  6. No man is an island. Recruit help to clean up. Nothing sours you on throwing parties like spending time, money, and effort then having to clean into the wee hours while everyone sleeps quietly in their beds…ALONE. It’s even a good idea to do this before the party. Don’t be afraid…it’s the least they can do!

Far from rocket science, right? You can do it! It’s sure to be a great game, and by using these 7, surefire tips, it’s gonna be a great party, too!