
Charlotte Property Management Blog

A Bug’s Life

Sherkica Miller-McIntyre - Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Spring is here, there’s no denying it. While weather changes brings on a myriad of concerns—changing out winter wear for lighter options, allergy flare-ups, and the all-important filter changes—don’t get so distracted that you forget what lurks beneath…and above…and behind. BUGS! Warmer weather brings out all kinds of creepy crawlies (they are always there, but better weather makes them brazen enough to wait on your pillow for a goodnight kiss), so high on your spring “To-DO” list, should be nipping those bugs in the bud!

Every spring Carod Properties makes it a point to help our audience, renters and owners, prepare their homes for spring. We feel it’s important to get such messages out to both sides of the equation as the responsibility falls on both, regardless of lease agreement. While the contract may say that the owner (or property management company acting on their behalf) will take care of routine pest control, the resident of the property has responsibility, also. Prevention is half the battle. Either way, adding pest prevention and eradication steps to the spring cleaning regimen is advisable on all levels and from all angles. Here are three areas in which to concentrate your efforts:

Animals. This part is easy. Keep them clean and check for and treat for ticks and fleas often, especially for “outdoor” pets. Done and done.

Exterior. Whatever the breakdown of responsibilities, the battle starts outside. Most insect problems begin outside and sometimes these outside insects become inside problems. Moisture and organic debris is the perfect shelter and harborage for many insects. Clean rain gutters not only will help drain water away from your structure but will also eliminate a possibly breeding location and hiding place for pests. Keep landscaping trimmed, so as to not provide direct access from greenery to the home. Remove debris like mulch, leaves and fallen fruit. Sweet and organic items are a great food source for insects like ants. Replacing exterior lighting will reduce spiders. How? Those lights reduce activity of nighttime insects which are an abundant food source for spiders. Reduce their food, reduce them.

Interior. Routinely clean behind furniture and other places where pests can hide and/or reproduce. That includes dusting and vacuuming, regularly. Eliminating clutter also eliminates hiding places. Stay alert. There may be entry points that were missed when exterior inspections and repairs were addressed. Also, keep things clean. That’s not “spring cleaning,” just regular cleaning. Once you’ve eliminated hiding places, make sure you haven’t inadvertently created an inviting environment that will give them a reason to stay, when they’re on their way out. Clean, sanitize floors; clean kitchen and bathrooms; and just an overall clean environment will work wonders in keeping pests at bay!

There are always going to be bugs around. In case you haven’t heard, prepare yourself, wherever you are at any given time you are less than 10 feet from a spider. So, you may not be able to get rid of every single one of the little buggers, but a team acting in concert can curb the spread of all pests in your home this spring!