
Charlotte Property Management Blog

Summer Fun

Sherkica Miller-McIntyre - Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Summer is just around the corner, which brings to mind all of the things that will change around your home.  Having to fit in regularly cutting the grass is no big deal.  What will tax your resources—food costs, cooling your home, etc.—are those darned crumb-snatchers!  They’re home, hungry, and leaving lights on all over the place!  So, what is a weary, pocket-drained parent to do?  Change things up!

Every summer it’s the same old thing for kids:  sleep late, eat, video games, eat and other forms of brain depleting technology.  Day in and day out.  You get a few chores out of them, but only if you hold allowance and iTunes cards out of their reach.  It is summer break, after all.  They’re allowed.  However, by the time you receive the first utility bill or have to buy groceries for the third time in a week, you’re gonna want to start devising a plan.  Might we suggest, start now?

By “change things up,” we mean keep things interesting.  With a plan devised to include fun, brain-enrichment, and maybe a little service they will have a fun-filled, productive summer and just maybe you won’t have to take out a loan to survive it.  Here’s what we suggest:


  • Family Staycation:  Beyond any trip you’ve planned, include a low-cost, local weekend that is family-centric and unifying
  • Avail yourselves of free/budget-friendly entertainment:  Festivals, parks, free concerts, etc.
  • Summer sports leagues:  Your local Parks & Rec have tons of teams they can join that will get them out of the house, active, and building friendships


  • Trips to the museum
  • Volunteer at the library
  • School-sponsored academic programs


  • Volunteer at a shelter (homeless or animal)
  • Visit nursing homes
  • Think up and develop an effort to give back to their demographic (toy collection for underprivileged kids, “Give-a-Kid a Kite”)

The internet is not just for social media.  Research what’s available in your area.  Whether you do it or get them involved with planning their own summer of FUN and activity, there’s plenty for them to do.  A combination of the suggestions we gave is but a starting point, but a certain recipe for happy kids, a FUN-filled summer, and parents that can breathe a little easier when the summer bills start rolling in…until Back-to-school shopping, school sports fees, Christmas…SIGH!