
Charlotte Property Management Blog

Lawn Tips

Sherkica Miller-McIntyre - Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Cooler weather has arrived and grass growth is minimal, but that doesn’t mean you should take a break from caring for your lawn. Winter lawn maintenance is essential in preparing your yard for beautiful grass in the spring. From December through February, here are some steps you should be taking:

  • Mow overseeded areas when they exceed 1 inch in length, and let grass clippings lay
  • Water periodically, especially if you overseeded in the fall
  • Only fertilize overseeded areas. This should be done between December and February depending on grass type
  • Treat winter weeds as needed
  • Remove leaves periodically

Make sure to remove the last of the leaves to help grass receive more sunlight, and try to avoid walking on grass as it can become more brittle and easily damaged during winter. We appreciate you being proactive and managing your lawn so that the community landscaping will look great come spring and summer!