
Charlotte Property Management Blog

Independence Day

Independence Day
Sherkica Miller-McIntyre - Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The 4th of July, Independence Day, is upon us. We could discuss what we’re doing for the fourth, or how it started, but this year we’d like to share why it was and is relevant to the type of government that epitomizes the idea of America. Independence Day is celebrated as the day the United States of America declared its independence from the British Monarchy.

The Declaration of Independence announced to the world the unanimous decision of the thirteen American colonies to separate themselves from Great Britain. The Declaration has three parts—the poignant Preamble, a list of charges against King George III, and a conclusion. The Preamble summarizes the principles of American self-government…for the people and by the people. The list of charges against the king presents examples of the violation of those principles. The stirring conclusion calls for duty, action, and sacrifice.

It is the conclusion that can be applied is these current, perilous times. The king is a tyrant, “unfit to be the ruler of a free people,” deaf to the pleas of justice and humanity. The Congress is forced to proclaim the colonies free and independent states, and the delegates pledge to each other their “Lives…Fortunes and…sacred Honor.” The nation, on this Independence Day, needs to call upon our government, to live and demonstrate the true spirit of this document—as was requested/declared from another entity that hindered America’s progress—and bring the people back together.