
Charlotte Property Management Blog

Finding Happiness: Feng Shui, 2 of 3

Sherkica Miller-McIntyre - Monday, November 30, 2015

We’ve advised you on ways to avoid the “Holiday Blues,” but we would like to talk a little more about happiness. There are studies on top of studies, an infinite amount of articles and a whole host of expert opinions about the key to happiness. You can probably read a different opinion every day of your life and none are certain or necessarily applicable to your specific situation or life journey. Something as personal as one’s happiness is bound to be defined…personally. In other words, if happiness is a personal thing and specific to the individual, then the key to happiness is likely the same.

Nonetheless, on your personal journey in the pursuit of happiness there are tips and tricks you can try to give your journey a helping hand. For instance, Feng shui. Huh? Feng shui. Simply put, Feng shui is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing yourself with your surrounding environment. Think about it, even though you may have a life on the go, you spend more time than you think in your home. In which case, if you can harmonize with that constant presence in your life and find a bit of peace and happiness shouldn’t you give it a shot? Most methods simply means using, moving and manipulating the things you already have in your home.

Here are a few tips to help you make a few Feng Shui adjustments to your home and work spaces:

  • Make a toy/joy box-- Creating a stash of items that give you pleasure will remind you to make time for your favorite activities. This stash of items should be given a dedicated space and be kept in the center portion of the right side of your home. This area governs joy.
  • Improve your outlook-- If your desk (work or home) faces a wall, work could consume your life. Reposition your desk so you have a more inspiring view. This will remind you to balance responsibility with fun. In the event you can't change the location of your desk, hang a picture of people having a good time at eye level. That way, you'll remember you have a life outside of the office.
  • Color your world-- Avoid a monochromatic color scheme if you are prone to depression. If you like white walls, hang a colorful painting on one of the walls to serve as an uplifting focal point.
  • Become an empty vessel-- Happiness can't take root if there's no room for it to flourish. If your home is overflowing with things you don't want, use or need, it's time to have a garage sale. It's especially important to keep the right side of your home airy and spacious. If energy flows freely in this area, you'll approach life with an open and happy heart.
  • Open up-- Displaying open jars, containers and vases in the center portion of the right side of your home signals a desire to be filled with happiness. Resist the urge to fill these containers with possessions.
  • Add Earth energy-- In order to be happy, you need to feel safe, secure and supported. Therefore, it's a good idea to incorporate lots of Earth energy on the right side of your home. Low furniture, mellow colors, soft textures and square shapes will let happiness enter your home.
  • Make the rainbow connection-- Hang a faceted crystal from a window that gets lots of light. The rainbows your prism creates will dissipate any depressing energy that lingers in your home, allowing you to move forward with a light heart.

The goal of Feng Shui, however, is to lead a balanced life. That means making room—physical and symbolic—for happiness. Pretty soon, stress will give way to levity and your zest for life will be restored, and happiness just may be right behind!